Flying aces

Un grand livre magnifique contenant des grandes planches et présentant quelques histoires insolites. Parmi les artistes qui y figurent, James Dietz, Roy Grinell, Stan Stokes ou encore Nicolas Trudgian.
A large magnificent book which shows large artworks and presents some good stories. Among the artists, James Dietz, Roy Grinell, Stan Stokes or Nicolas Trudgian.

Flying aces © James H. Kitchens & Bernard C. Nalty - Friedman/Fairfax Publishers

Voici par exemple la double page racontant le retour de mission de "Joe" Foss et de son Grumman F4F-4 à Henderson Field, Guadalcanal.
Here is the example of a double page telling the return of mission of "Joe" Foss and his Grumman F4F-4 at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal.

flying-aces-joe-foss-by-james-dietz.jpg© James H. Kitchens & Bernard C. Nalty - Friedman/Fairfax Publishers

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